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On November 14, 2016, Heritage Montreal and the Régie des installations olympiques (RIO) are pleased to invite you to a lecture on Olympic Heritage and Contemporary Functionalities. Hosted by the journalist behind the book Stadorama, Catherine Mathys, this presentation is a part of a workshop organized to mark the 40th anniversary of the Olympic Park during which several international experts will come together to discuss the issues and challenges related to olympic heritage sites.

The program will include concrete examples from Montreal, Helsinki, Berlin, Munich and Tokyo to explore the challenges associated with these olympic heritage sites, stimulate discussion on the enhancement of olympic facilities and inspire Montrealers. Whether you are a heritage enthusiast, a specialist in the field or a citizen seeking a better understanding of the contemporary functionalities of these heritage ensembles don’t miss this talk that promises to be inspiring!

Five stadiums will be presented:

– Le Stade olympique de Montréal, by Michel Labrecque, Chief Executive Officer, Olympic Park, Montreal

– Evolving Functionality in Helsinki Olympic Stadium, by M. Pekka Lehtinen, Senior Architect, National Board of Antiquities, Department of Cultural Environment Services, Finland

– Berlin and Munich stadiums: Challenges to preserve this heritage, by Sigrid Brandt, Ass. Professor., Abteilungsleiterin, Erasmus-Beauftragte, University of Salzbourg, Austria

– Tokyo – Les œuvres de Kenzo Tange, de 1964 à 2020 (in French), by Yoshiyuki Yamana, Professor, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

Monday, November 14, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Olympic Park: Montréal Tower auditorium
Parking at 3200 Viau Street, $18 per vehicle – Métro Viau
Reservations required
Presentation in English and French. Simultaneous translation will be available.

To register, complete the online registration form.